Chair Files

    Nurses have always been on the front lines at hospitals providing quality, compassionate care for...

    April 4th, 2017

    Four generations are working side by side in hospitals and care systems today. Atlantic Health Sy...

    January 27th, 2014

    Learn from the best of the best. The 2013 AHA-McKesson Quest for Quality Prize® recipients will s...

    September 23rd, 2013

    What a difference three years of focusing on performance improvement can make! In 2009, metrics a...

    December 3rd, 2012

    Building a culture of quality and safety in hospitals requires accomplished and courageous health...

    October 22nd, 2012

    After reading many success stories about hospitals streamlining and improving patient flow in the...

    October 4th, 2010

    When change proves challenging, involving everyone in the process can be key. Advocate Good Sheph...

    January 25th, 2010