Mission accomplished, but the work continues. At Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in L...

December 14th, 2015

This paper illustrates ONC’s 10-year vision for advancing health IT capabilities in a manner that...

July 6th, 2015

Involving everyone from front-line staff to executive committees to home health agencies to patie...

November 12th, 2012

Highland Hospital established its Rapid Response Team in late 2006 to provide a quick, multidisci...

February 1st, 2012

The Jacobi Medical Center Department of Radiology analyzed the 15.3 percent rise in annual comput...

February 1st, 2012

Effective teamwork and communication techniques can improve quality and safety, decrease patient ...

February 1st, 2012

The Problem Advocate Christ Medical Center's space in the admittance bay area and resource usage...

September 20th, 2009