Erie County Medical Center's "boots on the floor" initiative began by hiring five full-time patie...

September 14th, 2015

North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System opened a facility to treet heavioral health and prim...

September 14th, 2015

The Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence website highlights quality improvement stories at hundreds...

September 14th, 2015

NYU Lutheran Healthcare, Brooklyn, N.Y., created a shared medical appointment program transformin...

September 9th, 2015

Teamwork champions on a diverse change team: These were key as The MetroHealth System in Clevelan...

August 17th, 2015

In early 2011, AHA members, committees, regional policy boards and staff discussed and crafted a ...

August 12th, 2015

The Bridge Model improves transitions of care by utilizing master’s-educated social workers in a ...

July 27th, 2015